Recent and Forthcoming Talks
“Can a fully causal account of intentional mental action be incorporated into cognitive science?” (with Anna Ciaunica, Monima Chadha, and Nadav Amir. Agency and Experience: Buddhist and Cognitive Perspectives, Princeton University, January 16-17, 2025.
“The Middle Way to Reality: Madhyamaka Insights and Oversights,” Department of Philosophy, Smith College, February 27, 2025.
“Neither One Nor Many: A Case for the Conceptual Incoherence of the Idea of Non-dual Consciousness,” University of California, Berkeley, March 13, 2025.
“Self-knowledge for Selfless Persons: A Platonic Critique of Buddhist Reductionism,” History of Philosophy Forum Colloquium on Minds in Dialogue, University of Notre Dame, April 3-4, 2025.
“Is the Notion of Nondual Consciousness (advayajñāna) Conceptually Coherent?”, The XXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Leipzig University, August 10-15, 2025.
“Engineering Enlightenment? A.I. and the Problem and Perils of Synthetic Phenomenology”, Buddhism, Science, and Future Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, June 21-23, 2024.
“Is the Notion of Nondual Consciousness Conceptually Coherent?” National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 19, 2024.
“Erotics and Mindfulness: Motivating Self-knowledge in the Symposium and the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta”, Pacific APA, Portland, OR, March 2024.
“Know Thy Knowing”, Eastern APA, New York, January 15, 2024.
“Cogito or Non Cogito: Is Buddhist Meditation Philosophy?”, Eastern APA, Montreal, January 9, 2023.
Comments on Jack Beaulieu, Gaṅgeśa on Absence in Retrospect”, Eastern APA, Baltimore, January 19, 2022.
“Race Awareness, Self-Awareness, and Minimal Realism about Personal Identity”, Comments on Jonardon Ganeri’s Wooster College Lindner Lecture “Buddhism and Critical Philosophy of Race: Are Identities Useful Fictions?”, Wooster College, October20, 2022.
“Self-Knowledge and Cultivation: On the Reflexive Roots of Personal Identity”, The Buddhist-Platonist Workshop, Singapore, August 14, 2021.
“Philosophy of Mind and the Cosmopolitan Ideal”, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, November 6, 2020.
“Is the Realization of Selflessness Impossible for Self-Conscious Beings?”, IABS Congress, Seoul National University, Seoul, August 16-21.
“Memory, Self-knowledge, and Cultivation: On the Reflexive Roots of Personal Identity”, Yale-NUS, Singapore, August 10-14.
Comments on Evan Thompson, Why I am Not a Buddhist?, Pacific APA, San Francisco, April 9.
Comments on Michael Cholbi, Grief: A Philosophical Guide, Society for Philosophy of Emotion, Pacific APA, San Francisco, April 10.
Comments on “Freud and Derrida on the (Im)Possibility of Psychoanalysis”, Pacific APA, San Francisco, April 11.
“What Can I Say What I Know About What There Is?”, Madhyamaka Thought and Philosophy of Language, Pacific APA, San Francisco, April 8.
“Naturalized Citizen: Personal Identity, Cosmopolitanism, and the Nation State”, Humboldt Kolleg Global Challenges of the 21st Century Conference, Bucharest, March 21.
“Selfless Minds or Mindful Selves: Buddhist, Phenomenological and Cognitive Science Perspectives on Human Experience”, New Europe College, Bucharest, March 17.
“Is It Really All About You? Personal Identity, Consciousness, and the Reductionist’s Dilemma”, Sabbatical Lecture, College of Charleston, February 18.
“Knowledge and Doubt in Buddhist Philosophy”, Eastern APA, New York, January 8.
“What Kind of Awareness is Meta-Awareness”, Meta- Awareness in Contemplative Experience and the Cognitive Sciences, American Academy of Religion, San Diego, November 25.
“Through the Looking Glass: Phenomenal Content Without Concepts”, Kyoto University, CAPE, May 16.
“Taking Appearances Seriously: Phenomenology and Yogācāra Theory of Consciousness,” Selfhood, Otherness, and Cultivation–Phenomenology and Chinese Philosophy, Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 18–20.
“Virtues of Self-Knowledge,” NYU Abu Dhabi, March 10–14.
“Moments of Consciousness,” NYU Abu Dhabi, March 10–14.
“Reflexive Presence: A Predictive Coding Model,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, March 7-9.
“Action in Intention,” Eastern APA, New York, January 10.
“Borderline States of Consciousness and the Problem of Subjectivity,” Selfless Minds Workshop, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet, October 6.
“The Virtue of Choice: Agency, Causation, and the Moral Domain,” Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics, Oxford, September 27.
"Privileged Self-Knowledge," NEH Summer Institute, "Self-Knowledge in Eastern and Western Philosophies," College of Charleston (May 28).
"Précis of Self-Knowledge: Sense, Self-Awareness, and Subjectivity," NEH Summer Institute, "Self-Knowledge in Eastern and Western Philosophies," College of Charleston (May 21).
"Consciousness and Nonconceptual Content," Pacific APA, San Diego (March 28).
Conceptuality and Nonconceptuality in Buddhist Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, March 23-25.
Modern Stoicism and the Resurgence of Applied Virtue Ethics, Response to Massimo Pigliucci, Eastern APA, Savannah (January 4-6).
Buddhist Philosophy Group, American Academy of Religion, Boston (November 2017)
University of Bucharest (June 2)
Kyoto University, Department of Philosophy (May 17)
Seoul National University, Department of Philosophy (May 8-11)
Union College, Department of Philosophy (16 February 2017)
Pacific APA, Seattle (12 April 2017)
Seoul National University (May 2017)
"Consciousness, Naturalism, and Human Flourising" Central APA, Chicago (March 3, 2016).
"Whose Consciousness, Which Cognition: Svasaṃvedana and the Problem of Self-knowledge," Buddhist Philosophy of Consciousness Conference, National Chengchi University, Taipei (March 11, 2016).
"Reflexive Sensibility," College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Taipei Medical University, Taipei (March 10, 2016).
"Personal Identity and Cosmopolitan Philosophy," Pacific APA, San Francisco, Author Meets Critics Session on Jonardon Ganeri's The Self (April).
Harvard University, Accountability for Attitudes Workshop (May 1, 2016)
Ronald E. Moore Humanities Symposium, Texas Christian University (November 2016)
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (November 2016)
Author meets critics panel on Perceiving Reality, Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Vancouver, April 4, 2015.
Invited Commentator, Panel on Self-Awareness, Subjectivity, and No-Self, American Philosophical Association Meeting, Philadelphia, December 28, 2014.
“Consciousness and Causal Explanation: Śāntarakṣita Against Physicalism,” The 5th International Dharmakīrti Conference, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, August 28, 2014.
"Reflexive Sensibity and the Madhyamika's View From Nowhere," Panel on Buddhist Philosophy of Mind, The 17th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Vienna, Austria, August 18 - 23, 2014.
"Reflexive Sensibility: The Bedrock of Consciousness," Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 21, 2014.
"Mending the Gap: Buddhist Philosophy of Mind and the Cognitive Science of Consciousness," Buddhism, Mind, and Cognitive Science" University of California, Berkeley, April 26, 2014.
"A Buddhist View of Cognitive Phenomenology," Marquette University, Milwaukee, April 10, 2014.
"Consciousness and Causal Explanation," Ronald E. Moore Humanities Symposium on "Consciousness," Texas Christian University, March 28, 2014.
"A Non-Egological Account of Phenomenal Consciousness," American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, New Orleans, February 2013.
"Presence and Temporality: A Buddhist Account of Phenomenal Consciousness," Centre for Philosophy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, January 2013; American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, New Orleans, February 2013.
"Consciousness and Intentionality: Preliminary Observations," National Chengchi University, Taipei, March 2013.
"Self-Awareness and the First-Person Stance: Charting the Phenomenology of Svasaṃvedana," National Chengchi University, Taipei, March 2013.
"Who's Afraid of Naturalism? Non-eliminative Reductionism and the Enlightened Mind," National Chengchi University, Taipei, March, 2013.
"Neurobuddhism: Compassion Naturalized," Author Meets Critics Panel, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco, March 2013.
"The Ineliminable Character of Reflexive Awareness: What is at Stake in Contemporary Debates?", University of Bucharest, May 22; University of Chicago, November 6.
Participant-At-Large, "Mind and Attention in Indian and Contemporary Western Philosophy Conference," Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 21-22, 2013.
"Irreflexive Thoughts, Selfless Persons, and Other Philosophical Curiosities," Invited talk, Jerry Balmuth Lecture Series in Philosophy, Colgate University, December 5, 2013.
"Taking the Intentionality of Perception Seriously: Why Phenomenology is Inescapable," NEH Summer Institute, College of Charleston, Charleston, May 25, 2012.
"How Thoughts Feel: The Cross-modality of Cognitive Phenomenology," Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference, Tucson, AZ, April 9-14, 2012; NEH Summer Institute, College of Charleston, Charleston, May 29, 2012.
"Are Reasons Causally Relevant for Action? Dharmakīrti’s Kāryānumāna Argument and the Embodied Cognition Paradigm," American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, Chicago, February 16, 2012.
"Reflexivity Without a Self: How do Buddhists Explain Consciousness?" Colgate University, Department of Philosophy, Thursday, Dec. 1, 2011, 4:15pm, Hascall 202.
"How Embodiment Shapes Consciousness and Cognition," American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting, Washington, D.C. December 2011.
"A Buddhist Phenomenological Account of Intentional Objects: Vasubandhu and Dignāga on artha-pratibhāsa," American Academy of Religion, Yogācāra Studies Consultation, Theme: Analyzing Vasubandhu’s Twenty Verses (Viṃśatikā): Causes, Objects, Appearances, Aspects, San Francisco, November 19, 2011.
"Practical Reason and the Spontaneity of Compassion," Contemporary Perspectives on Buddhist Ethics: Freedom and Responsibility, Columbia University, October 6-7, 2011.
"Reasons and Causes: A Naturalized Account of Dharmakīrti's Kāryānumāna Argument", XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan, June 2011.
"Taking the Intentionality of Perception Seriously: Why Phenomenology is Inescapable," Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy, Columbia University, New York, 10 December 2010.
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